About us
The combination of experience and technical competence, acquired during the thirty-year activity, allowed Interforgia to place itself on the national and international market, complying the costumer needs, providing high-qualified forged products, both rough and wrought.
Productions vary from small-sized pieces up to reach weights of 50 kilograms.
In 2009, a majority share of the company was acquired by FERA, an holding ruled by Galbusera family working in the niche high technology area and founded by Anselmo Galbusera.
Professionalism and attention to details characterize the everyday activities of the staff, focused on following all the manufacturing phases, from the press to the heat treatment, going through the mechanical manufacturing and the testing.
The high-qualified 'know-how' of the company has allowed to employ and maintain the high quality standard during the years, both on the niche products and on the large scale.